Ideeas, insights & Lessons

Addicted to hurt

Most common discussion today is about addiction. So here we are talking about it too but in a different way. We all know addiction to sugar, to booze, legal or ilegal drugs and many other substances. But this is not our thing. Here I will challenge you in a talk about addiction to hurt. Yes to hurt and I will tell you why, how, who…and all there is about it that I know and I repeat this is not all there is to know. This is what I share for you to get an ideea and start searching more about it and even heal from it. If you have a problem in healing the hurt you know where to find me. I maybe on the beaches of the wild or on the top of the mountains but sooner or later I get to a laptop and we can have a chat about it.

Back to the Hurt.

The hurt you experience repeatedly becomes a state. The state of hurt after longer time becomes a personality and if you stay longer you identify with it as if it was always your character. So here we are. Maybe today You understand that hurt feels more familiar then freedom, joy, love or some of these because they are unknown for your mind.

Adiction to hurt is the oldest trick in the book

Save your soul from the hurt

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